Industry knowledge

exprio advises buy and sell side firms, the focus is on banks and insurance companies. We support clients of various sizes, starting from specialized institutions up to major international banks. We are always working front-to-back and have an in-depth knowledge of business, processes and systems in capital markets.


Our experts have gathered experience working in banks of various sizes. Our expertise covers small specialized banks, saving banks or  regional banks up to large major international banks. Each customer has his own standards and his own expectations of external support. We offer a more specialized and tailored service to small specialized banks. In a few days to weeks we try to effectively employ our knowledge and deliver what the customer needs. Small specialized banks usually have small departments and budgets for external support which do not allow long-term projects with external consultants. Within central institutions and international banks the opposite applies. In that case our experts operate mostly in the long term. The project durations and projects are usually very large. Extensive need for coordination and well defined processes for IT implementations are required. Our experts are familiar with that environment and are able to execute and co-ordinate requirements efficiently.

Insurance companies

Among our staff, there are insurance experts with actuarial background and expertise and we focus only on the asset side. We support in various functional areas such as portfolio management, back office, risk management, cash management and accounting. And on the back of the challenging regulatory environment, there are more extensive requirements to keep in mind.

The insurance sector is exposed to increasing requirements on the asset side. The regulation of financial institutions becomes closer to banking regulation step by step. The investment activities and processes of an insurance company are however not comparable with baking activities in capital markets. Simplified methods are usually sufficient and need a proper argumentation and documentation in order to fulfill audit requirements. The derivatives market is regulated in especially through EMIR in the same way for insurance companies as well as banks. Derivatives are used in insurances generally only to a limited extent, as insurance companies mainly trade derivatives within their special funds. The same applies for securities financing transactions such as repurchase agreements and securities lending. However, more and more insurance companies consider new trading activities of these products. However, the main driver is Solvency II, insurance companies must expect to further improve their methods in credit and liquidity risk management, assuming that the market supervisors further  strengthen the regulatory requirements. Our experts are suitable to find pragmatic solutions and appropriate arguments to establish compliance with little effort.